Monday, April 16, 2012

Add Some Style with Stripes

This simple table was one we had bought years ago. It was just a basic black pedestal table that was fine but lacked pizazz. I wanted to brighten the kitchen up a bit so decided to add white stripes to my boring black table. I started by taping it off with painter's tape. I did it along the grain of the wood and got my stripes nice and even by putting the tape down side by side and then removing every other one.

I was careful to tape along the edges too.

Once I was sure the tape was adhered well, I loaded my roller with white primer and painted the surface of the table.

After the primer was dry, I added a couple of coats of good quality white acrylic trim paint.

Now it was time for the fun part: when the paint was mostly dry but NOT totally dry, I peeled off the tape to reveal the pattern. It looked great!

I did a little bit of touch up here and there with an artisit's brush.

Okay, I liked it pretty well.....but I thought it was lacking character.

So, I used a dry brush technique with a bit of burnt umber artist's acrylic mixed with glaze to give it the character and warmth I felt it lacked.

When it was good and dry, I went over the whole surface again with some clear polycrylic to add shine and to protect the finish.